Charlotte's Christmas Room Spray Recipes

Christmas room spray recipe_BLOG Header JT.png


What You Need:

  • distilled water / vodka or grain alcohol / witch hazel / epsom salt

  • 100% Pure Essential Oils of Your Choice  (see below for blend suggestions)

  • Glass spray bottles. I like 2oz amber glass bottles, but any glass spray bottle will work. Avoid plastic. Essential oils can break down the plastic. I also recommend an amber colored glass for maximum shelf life.

When making a 2 oz bottle, add a small splash of 80 or 100 proof vodka or witch hazel because it helps the essential oils and water mix easier and the aroma tends to linger a little longer, I then top off each bottle with distilled water. You can also use a pinch of Epsom salt (these ingredients are necessary to keep the essential oils mixed with the water- you could substitute sea salt or Himalayan salt), you can also use only distilled water but then you need to SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE prior to spraying.


Add the vodka, witch hazel, salt to your 2oz bottle. Add the essential oils you are using (see my favorite recipes below). Place the top on and shake well to combine, then top off with distilled water. Shake contents and mist the air throughout your home.

Why make the switch?

If you’re anything like me and my little nugget, you need your home to smell yummy. But I’m not a fan of candles. I used to be a HUGE fan of candles until Charlotte, burned her finger on a flame and I learned how many air pollutants they were spewing into the air we breathed.

Candles might create a nice, cozy atmosphere. But they also create a ton of indoor air pollution and I don’t want to do things that might harm my family. So, we made the switch and are on a mission to use things in our home that are also good for us.

That’s why we rely on essential oils and essential oils alone to keep our home smelling amazing.

Diffusing essential oils is our go to method for filling the air with the wonderful goodness but we also have fun making and using room sprays. 

Room sprays are a perfect way to enjoy the different smells of the season and they are super fun to make. They work great in rooms that don’t have a diffuser and even in the bathroom to keep things smelling nice. Or maybe unexpected company is on the way and you don’t have a lot of time to get your diffusers going but you still want your home to smell amazing. Essential oil room sprays will come in handy for just about any situation.  They also make fun gifts!


Stay tuned for more of our recipes and meantime, enjoy our favorite holiday ones!