TOP 8 Network Marketing TRAPS

Hey Network Marketers! 

So, your business isn’t moving in the right direction or as quickly as you had hoped? Don’t despair. One of the best things about this industry is the ability to start fresh.

Together, let’s take a deep dive to evaluate if you’re falling into one or more of the eight Network Marketing TRAPS and what you can do to get a fresh start and begin building the business you desire.


It’s time to show up regularly for yourself and your family. When you think about your Network Marketing business as a job, you show up differently. Block out your daily time and make it a priority.


Learning to be more self-aware will not only help you in business but also in all aspects of your life. The good news is, we can grow in our ability to be objective when it comes to how we respond to things, the things we think, and the words we use. The bad news is, it’s super hard work!  Hard, in this case, will definitely pay off.  So, if you haven’t started to take your thoughts captive, examine them and then work on adjusting where it matters, it’s time to start. The art of replacing your thoughts with truth is a MUST in the Network Marketing business. Interested in praying for your network marketing business? I share four things to keep in mind in this blog article.

This will help you move in the direction of your choice. So, nestle in ... this is not a one and done type thing ... this is a skill that is going to take some work. I promise it will pay off! Decide today that negative self-talk and limiting beliefs are no longer your friends.


Spamming is so 2010. Mastering the art of sales is part of every professional network marketer’s tool belt. If you’ve been told things like, “we don’t sell, we simply share”. I would like permission to challenge you. Network Marketing is sales. The faster you embrace it and learn to become an awesome salesperson, the better!

Remember: business ownership doesn’t give you freedom, sales give you freedom. If you own a business but aren't making money, it isn't going to create a life of freedom ... SALES is the path to FREEDOM.

Sales should be the #1 focus until you hit your annual revenue goal. Until then, nothing else matters. This is the healthy foundation that will lead to residual. I don't care what your title is, how many times you hit the leader board (all good) but neither leads to FREEDOM ... SALES SALES SALES is the path to a life of freedom. EVERY NETWORK MARKETER MUST MASTER THE ART OF SALES.


You are SO much more than the company you represent, and you have so much more to give than the products that you sell.  I want you to be able to create a business that is unique to you.

Think of your products as a tool to help your customers and the business as a solution for your ideal partner. When branding is done well, it will make YOU stand out in a sea of others. Your goal is to learn how to market yourself as an expert in your unique gifting!


The Network Marketing space is FULL of exaggeration and empty promises. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Building any substantial residual income takes time. So settle in. Master the skills and build. 

Here is your permission to DITCH the lie of overnight success. Trust me, it doesn’t serve any professional well.



Copy and pasting messages will lead to crickets in your inbox. People can smell those “hey girl” messages a mile away. Instead, learn to find YOUR VOICE.

 There is only one me. And there is only one YOU. We’ve each grown up in different ways, have lived different lives, and experienced different things. It's all led us to this very spot- but the stories along the way are all so varied. And you guys, THAT'S where your power is. That's your secret sauce. It's so simple it almost sounds silly, but to truly step into your story and share it- THAT is where the magic is.

 If everyone is selling the same thing, the only way to be successful and set yourself apart is to be fiercely YOU, to lead with your voice, and understand that by being exactly who you are, you will attract people who connect with you, want to enroll with you and be a part of your team. It's the only way.

 So today I encourage you to think of ways to start sharing more pieces of YOUR story. 

Start infusing everything you post on social and in messenger with more of YOU ... from your daily routines to the bigger picture. This is how to get seen and how to stand out. Share your story. Share your why. Focus on that, and watch the magic happen.


Give up the month-end grind for a long-term vision strategy. If you owned an ice cream parlor you would be open the entire month rather than the last 2-3 days of the month and you definitely would have a 5-10 year business strategy. Why should your Network Marketing business be any different? Use the entire month to build. It’s a smart business.


If you find yourself waiting for others to pick you up and cheer you on, you will likely be waiting for a long time. In this space, it is best to learn how to be your own motivator and your own cheerleader. There will be many days that you won’t feel like working and these are the days you need to figure out how to motivate yourself to do it anyway.  Successful network marketing businesses are built in the mundane. So teach yourself to be your hype girl rather than counting on your upline, your sideline, your downline, or spouse. This falls to YOU!


One of my favorite things about this industry is that it is an equal playing field for ALL. Dig in, learn the skills and give yourself time to BUILD. YOU CAN DO THIS!

If your goal is RESIDUAL (and whose isn’t), the above list will help! Still not sure where to start? Grab my FREE Network Marketing Assessment to help dial in your focus. The assessment was designed to help you figure out where to spend your time. I’m a firm believer that we all start at different levels so the one size fits all approach just doesn’t cut it. Use this tool to help you figure out where you should focus your training so you can KNOCK YOUR GOALS out of the park!

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